
Friday, January 25, 2013

Laundry Room

Psalm 51:10 ~ Create in my a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

It all started with these metal and burlap lined laundry baskets. I saw them at TJ Maxx and fell in LOVE!

I decided since I had some new baskets, I would work a little more on decorating the laundry room and painting a table Derrick built me awhile back. He did a great job making it fit perfectly next to the dryer! He also built me that board with knobs to hang things to dry.

Found this old washboard at an antique store for $2.00! Decided to paint it white to match the room better.

The antique pitcher and washbowl I picked up at a yard sale last summer for $4.00! Basket from Hobby Lobby to hold lost socks.

Of course, I had to add an aqua mason jar in there somewhere! :) Also used some antique clothespins to pin a piece of burlap to twine to make a little curtain.

Here is the recipe I use for homemade laundry detergent. 

Here is the final before and after! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting into the Word TOGETHER

Proverbs 31: 
 11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.

I love being married. It is one of God's greatest blessings and I am so blessed to have Derrick as my husband. Part of my role as his wife is to "bring him good, not harm, all the days of my life." 

One way I have been doing that is by really encouraging us to spend time in the word together. We both do it on our own, but it's important to do it together also. A few weeks ago I picked up the Jesus Storybook Bible  at Lifeway. I had heard from several people how great this is whether for a family, a new Chrisitian or just anyone wanting to better understand the Bible. 

Well..I LOVE IT!!! Even though I have heard all of the stories before, it still helps me better understand the meaning of the story. The pictures are great also! We havn't read any of the stories from the New Testament yet, but at the end of every story from the Old Testament is ties the story to the coming of Jesus. I love this because a lot of times I don't always enjoy reading the Old Testament, but this really helps show how God had a plan to save the world from the very beginning

Derrick and I try to read a story or two every night before we go to bed. It gives us an opportunity to just spend some quality time together, talk about what the Bible has been teaching us and just ends our day on great page, literally! :)

I would REALLY encourage you and your husband or even boyfriend to take the time to read God's word together, whether it's this particular Bible or not.   Even if you don't have the time to sit down and read it together, pick a book in the bible and both read a chapter or two. Then take a few minutes at the end of your day to discuss what you read and what God has been teaching you through your reading. 

I promise this will really refresh your relationship with God and with each other. Since we started doing this I look forward to this time together every nightI am constantly encouraged on how I am more comfortable sharing the Bible with him, and how much more often I find myself praying for him and our marriage throughout the day.

**If you have children then I would definitely recommend this tooThe way the book is laid out is easy to follow and understand. It would make a great family devotional each night. Read a story with your kids and then talk it through. 


Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tea Cup Pin Cushion

I forgot to take pictures while making this...oops! But here is the link  to the tutorial I used and it does have pictures. I also found this tutorial after making mine, and it may be a little easier than the way I did it.

What you'll need:

-Vintage Tea Cup (got mine at a thrift store for $1.00)
-Some stuffing
-Hot glue gun
-Scrap fabric for top of pin cushion (also from thrift store)

How to make it:

1. Cut out a circle piece of fabric a little bigger than the size of your tea cup.

2. Sew a running stitch around your fabric circle and begin to gather.

3. Fill your fabric and cup with stuffing.

4. Place a ring of hot glue around the inside of the tea cup (about 1inch from top)

5. Stuff the fabric into the tea cup. Add extra hot glue where needed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Bathroom Shelf & Some Kitchen Redecorating

The hubby and I are so lucky to work for a University and get almost two weeks off at Christmas!! Two weeks means lots of time for small house projects! So..come take a look at what we've been up to...

First the bathroom. We only have one bathroom, which is fine for just the two of us, but there is really no storage space aside from the small hall closet we have. So, I am always trying to find ways to organize and make the most of the space!

So, I had Derrick help me build and hang this shelf at the top of the bathroom! Love all the extra storage it gives and love the wood crates to hold things we don't use very often. 

Next the kitchen! I decided to repaint one of the shelves. Here it is before blue...

And now white. 

Love these wood crates I picked up at a yard sale for $1.00 each! They make great shelves!

Filled some old jars with cupcake liners and cookie cutters. My favorite however, are the vintage brown & aqua handled cookie cutters displayed on the shelf!

Decorated the rest of the shelf with some vintage items found at a local resale store.

Last, I picked up this vintage kitchen scale at an antique store with some Christmas money!!  LOVE!

Did you get any house projects done over the holidays?