
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

DIY Crinkle Toy

As most of you know we announced we are pregnant with our first baby!! Due date is August 6th 2015! 

After two long years of trying to get pregnant we could not be more excited! Although it was very trying at times, we trusted God had a plan and it's so obvious now that His timing really is perfect!

I of course have a list of DIY projects I want to make for this sweet little baby, the first being a crinkle toy.

What you'll need:

1. Two 6"x6" squares (I chose to use two different fabrics)
2. Six 4" ribbons
3.One 6"x6" square of crinkle paper. (I used a plastic bag that some candy came in. You could also you use clear plastic wrapping paper, a bag that wipes come in, etc)
4. Sewing Machine  
5. Scissors
6. Straight Pins

What to do:

1. First, lay out your first fabric square FACE UP. Fold each ribbon in half to make a loop and pin it to the fabric square, making sure the loop faces inward.

2. Lay your second fabric on top FACE DOWN.

3. Lay your crinkle paper on top of the second fabric square and pin all three layers together. 

4. Sew with about a 1/2" seam allowance, making sure to leave an opening so you can turn it right side out.

5. After you've finished sewing, remove pins and trim any excess thread, fabric or ribbon.

6. Turn right side out and a top stitch all the way around, making sure you sew closed the opening you had originally left.

7. Enjoy playing with your baby, practicing their grasp and noticing the different colors, textures, etc!