
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friendship in Marriage

Who is your best friend? Your spouse?

                           Hanging out and eating dinner at Walker's Bluff General Store

Here is a sermon on friendship in marriage. It is part of a series this pastor is preaching on Real Marriage. It is based on a book he and his wife just wrote.

Here is an outline of some of the things I got out of the sermon.

1. Adam and Eve were the first friends.

2. Song of Solomon 5:16: "This is my lover, this is my friend."

3. Friendship with Jesus first, then with one another

4. Women hear "love" as "friendship" in marriage

5. Spouse should be your first friend. Then have a couple more close friends your spouse agrees are holy and helpful for you

6. If you don't feel your spouse is friendly, ask yourself what YOU can do to be a better friend

7. Men and women build friendships differently 

8. You should want to see your spouse grow closer to Jesus

F: Fruitful—multiply (have kids, adopt); open home to others; glorify God with your life

R: Reciprocal –Both devoted to working on friendship

I: Intimate ­­– Really get to know each other

E: Enjoyable – Go out and have fun with your spouse

N: Needed—You need one another; communicate how and why you need each other

D: Devoted—A friend loves at all times; at good and bad times

S: Sanctify—Marriage shows us our sin. If we repent and bring Jesus into it, we become more like Jesus together

How is your friendship with Jesus? With your spouse? Women lets be BEST friends with our husbands! How can you start doing that this week?

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