
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting Organized

Proverbs 31:17--She looks well to the ways of her household...

I LOVE to organize! Being organized makes my life run smoother, helps me relax better and gives me more quality time with my family. I really like everything about our house, except that there really isn't much storage space. Therefore, I have to get creative and look to Pinterest for inspiration!

One thing that really bothered me was always having to go to the hallway closet to get/put away my hairdryer and straightener. I just wanted it in the bathroom with me, but there wasn't a good place to keep it. Then I found an awesome idea on pinterest...hang it on the inside of the cabinet door! Genius!

Awhile back I bought a stand for 25 cents at goodwill that holds plates/dishes. I decided it would be perfect however in my linen closet. I put washcloths on top so it left extra storage space underneath for things like Kleenex and q-tips. 

While at a resale shop I found three jewelry/key holders for $1.00! (normally at Wal-Mart 1 for $4.00) I decided it would be perfect for holding my necklaces that were too long to hang in my jewelry case. I haven't decided what to do with the other two yet! Maybe more necklaces or bracelets?

How do you stay organized?

1 comment:

  1. Do you not need one for keys? I've seen people hang kitchen gadgets on these then it is a functional decoration. Derrick could use them in the garage for tools/extra keys.
