
Monday, July 30, 2012

"For I Know the Plans I Have For You.."

Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

So many times we try to make sense of our life or try to figure out what our life could be like or how it could be better. The truth is..only God knows the future and the plans HE has for us. 

While talking to a friend I made a comment about how God has us in certain situations for a reason and that sometimes it's to test our faith in Him. It made me realize that I'm kind of going through the same thing right now. 

A few months ago our Home Team Leaders (the pastor & his wife) asked my husband and I to take over our Home Team this fall and be the new leaders. What??! Me be a home team leader? 

1. I feel like just over the past year have I truly given my life to God and am still learning so much & I'm suppose to help lead others?

2. Our current Home Team leaders are awesome (and the pastors of our church) and now Derrick & I have to live up to the kind of leaders they have been? 
I have to was a little scary and intimidating to be taking over their home team!

I finally realized the other day though, that it wasn't about us or how good of leaders we would or wouldn't be. It was about God and the glory we were giving Him through all of this. 

I also realized that even though this was going to be something totally new for us, that it was part of God's plan for our lives and our marriage! 

... “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Who knows what all God has in store for our lives! Even though we go through trials, or suffering, or are in situations we don't want to be, or God calls us to do things we never would have thought we would do, he is in control of our lives and our future.  He knows the plans He has for us, and I find comfort in that! 

I'm so excited to start this new adventure with Derrick. It won't always be easy, but I pray (and hope that you all pray) that it not only grows our faith in God, but that it continues to strengthen our relationship and our marriage.

Are you willing to give God control of your life and your future? Are you willing to trust that He knows what's best for you even if it isn't exactly what you think it should be?


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