
Monday, December 9, 2013

10 Ways to Give Back this Christmas Season

So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget the real reason we have Christmas in the first place, the birth of Jesus Christ. Not only did He perfectly give His time and energy and love to others while living on this earth, but gave His life so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

I have made a list of how you too can give back this Christmas season. These would all be great things to do with your little ones and get them thinking about others this time of year! 

1. Write letters or make cards to send to the soldiers. Don't forget to pray over each card and for who might reciece it. 

2. Thank the mailman. Leave a bag of candy or cookies with a little note in your mailbox for next time he delivers the mail. 

3.  Donate food or clothing items to your local pantry. Many pantries look for volunteers also. Think about giving your time as well.

4. Leave a dollar taped to the vending machine in a hospital for that worker or family member who might be having a rough day.

5. Donate some old toys. Have your children go through and donate a few to a child who might not get many or any presents at all this Christmas.

6.  Visit residents at a nursing home. Bring them cards or gifts, some games you can play with them, crafts to make or sing carols.

7. Shovel driveways. If it's for an elderly person or someone who is sick offer to do it for free. If someone wants to pay you donate your earrings to give to someone in need. 

8. Hide a couple dollar bills with a little note in the toy section at the dollar store. Can't you imagine a little child's face when they see this! 

9. Thank the fire and police department. Write thank you cards and bring something sweet to thank those who always keep you safe.

10. Look for houses displaying Jesus or a nativity scene as you drive around looking at Christmas lights. Have some nativity pictures colored with a note saying "Thank you for displaying the reason for the season" and leave it in their mailbox.

What other ways have you gotten your children involved in giving back?

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